User Profile

All WISEflow users have a profile page where their personal information is stored and, if licence settings allow, can be updated by the user. If the licence setting determines that users cannot edit their own personal details, these can be updated by a licence administrator.


All users have a profile page detailing their profile information, WISEflow login (if applicable) and emails.

New User Profile.png

  1. First name, Last name and Phone number are only editable by the user if the appropriate licence setting is enabled.
  2. Preferred tab at login allows the user to choose their preferred tab/role in WISEflow to be displayed once they are logged in.
  3.  WISEflow login is displayed if the institution uses the standard WISEflow login (i.e. not an institutional single-sign-on). Here the user can change their WISEflow password.
    The password must meet the following requirements:
    • At least one letter
    • At least one capital letter
    • At least one number
    • At least 8 characters
  4. Emails and their editing status are also controlled by a licence setting. If enabled, users can edit their primary email address. All users can add additional email addresses if they wish.

The System tab is only relevant for participants. Only users with the participant role will have the System tab on their profile page.

The following three sections are only visible to the participant if the corresponding module is enabled on the institution's licence:

New User Profile - System.png

  1. Facial Comparison: The facial comparison module is an invigilation tool where a participant's webcam takes photos of the participant during the assessment. These images are compared to a reference image taken at the start of the exam. Any discrepancies can be reviewed by the invigilator or manager. The reference image is personal data that is stored here and visible to the participant.
  2. Lockdown Browser: The lockdown browser is a client, downloaded and installed by the participant, when an assessment must be completed within a controlled environment. The lockdown browser can be downloaded and tested from here as well as accessing the Setup Guide and Demo Flows.
  3. WISEflow Device Monitor: The device monitor is another invigilation tool that takes images of a participant's device screen during the assessment. It is specifically used on flows where the lockdown browser is not in use. The device monitor can be downloaded and tested from here as well as accessing the Setup Guide.
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