This article has been updated to reflect the enhancements that will be available after Friday 25 October as part of the October Release 2024.
Below you can find the minimum requirements (e.g. operating system, memory or hard disk space) to use the Lockdown Browser or Device Monitor. Also review the information on Internet Connection Requirements and Web Browsers.
Information on how to install the Lockdown Browser can be found here.
Operating System
Windows 10 or a more recent version of Windows (includes x86 32 and 64bit processors and ARM 64bit processors using x86 emulation)
(Note: Windows 10S/11S Mode and SE are not compatible operating systems)
2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using lockdown browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
Hard Disk Space
200 MB of free hard disk space
Operating System
Mac OS/X 10.15 or a more recent version (Guide to upgrading your Mac)
2 GB RAM (A minimum 4gb of available RAM is necessary when using LockDown Browser to take an exam that also uses a webcam.)
Hard Disk Space
200 MB of free hard disk space
iPadOS: 12.0+ (iPad only, the installation guide of the lockdown browser on iPads can be found here)
iPad Lockdown Browser Version
We recommend that you use the newest version 12.2 to execute the Lockdown Browser properly on iPad. This version is available in the AppStore.
Chromebook Lockdown Browser Version
From 26 October 2024, lockdown exams can be run on Chromebooks using the Chrome browser plugin. We recommend that you use the newest version to execute the Lockdown Browser properly on Chromebooks.
Non-Compatible Devices or Operating Systems
The installation of the lockdown browser is not supported on Linux, Android, Windows 10S/11S Mode and SE.
Information on how to install the Device Monitor can be found here.
Operating System
Windows 10 or a more recent version of Windows (Note: Windows 10S/11S Mode are not compatible operating systems)
Hard Disk Space
512 MB of free hard disk space
Operating System
Mac OS/X 10.13 or a more recent version (Guide to upgrading your Mac)
Hard Disk Space
512 MB of free hard disk space
Operating System
Ubuntu 18 LTS or more recent version
Hard Disk Space
512 MB of free hard disk space
If you are using Linux with Wayland display server (which is default from Ubuntu 21.04 and up) you need to have gnome-screenshot available in order to capture screenshot with the Device Monitor. Note that using the setup with Wayland, the screen gives a flash and a sound whenever a screenshot is captured. This is standard procedure when using Wayland which cannot be avoided when taking screenshots.