Assignment Configuration

As an author, you have the option to change the configuration for the entire assignment. You can access the configuration by clicking the small tool icon as shown on the image.


In the configuration menu you will have the following options:

  1. Shuffle items: Make items occur in random order for each participant
  2. Negative scores: Allow questions to have negative scores
  3. Reading mode: Mandatory period of read-only access at flow start. If activated, this starts the assignment with a set period of time where the participant has read-only access to the items of the assignment. You can set extra settings of reading time is activated:
    • Go to first item on completion: Automatically returns to the first item when the reading time is finished.
    • Reading time: Period of time where there should be read-only access
    • Warning time: Number of seconds to show a warning before the reading time ends
  4. No backward navigation: Disallow backward navigation in the assignment. If activated, this makes it impossible for the participant to return to a previously attempted item.
    • Warning on item change: Warn the participants when progressing to the next question if the current item is not fully answered.
  5. Information page: This will display the information on a separate start page before starting the assignment.

An activated option is shown with a green colour and a deactivated one is shown in grey.



You can see examples for the use of negative score, no backward navigation or an information page in the assignment configuration article for the new authoring tool.

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