Accessibility in WISEflow

Built-in functions and tools ensure that participants with disabilities can use WISEflow as an exam tool. The tools available make it possible for the manager to help participants with special needs and disabilities.

In the following you will find an explanation for the functions and tools available in WISEflow and the lockdown browser.

Accessibility in WISEflow Accessibility in the Lockdown Browser

UNIwise is committed to compliance with the WCAG 2.2 standard, wherever possible, with the aim of  WISEflow being more accessible and inclusive for its users. Some older areas of WISEflow are not currently fully WCAG compliant but UNIwise is committed to making every effort to address these areas.

  1. Text alternatives to non-text content (screen reader support)


  2. Contrast Ratio (distinct visual appearance)


  3. Page titles (screen reader support and better distinction between browser tabs)


  4. Keyboard support (motorically impairment)


  5. Zoom and text size (visually impairment)


  6. Tooltip's appearance (keyboard accessible)


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