Feide Authentication

Feide is an authentication system usable with WISEflow. It uses organisational ID and optionally national ID. This method of authentication is administered by the institution.

General Feide authentication features:

When a user authenticates successfully through the institution, they will be granted access to an existing user with that ID.


If a user authenticates successfully through the institution and no user with the ID exists in WISEflow, WISEflow creates a user for them with the given ID and information.

When a user authenticates successfully through the institution authentication system, we enrich the user holding the organisational ID in WISEflow with the following information:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Organisational ID
  • National ID
  • E-mail(s)
  • User role (Student → Participant, Staff → Assessor)

When a user authenticates successfully through Feide, the following attributes will be linked to the user's information:

Name URN: OID System Name Multiple Status
Last Name urn:oid: sn No Must
First Name urn:oid: gn No Must
Nickname urn:oid: cn No May

User ID (at home organisation)

urn:oid: eduPersonPrincipalName No Must


urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 mail Yes May

The user's primary affiliation with home organisation

urn:oid: eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation No May

The organisation's nickname

urn:oid: organizationName No May

Level of assurance

urn:oid: eduPersonAssurance No May



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