Urkund is a plagiarism service integrated in WISEflow. The plagiarism service help assessors identify potential plagiarism in a submitted paper. When a participant has handed in an assignment, it is checked against the internet, the archive and a large database provided by Urkund. The percentage of text recognised from external sources is displayed, including where in the assignment it is found, allowing the assessor to determine the origin of the text and if it has been cited correctly. This feature is available in FLOWassign and FLOWlock.
The text comparison (percentage) will be visible to external and internal assessors per default on the flow overview. The percentage appears in the participant list by each name and also in the assessor tool.
By clicking the percentage a new pane will open, and the report is displayed. The report contains different information regarding the submitted paper.
When opening the report, the first thing you are greeted by is the analysis overview.
- These squares represent the paper that has been analysed by Urkund. This provides an overview over which parts and pages of the paper has findings on it. Every coloured box here can be clicked to show more details about the findings.
- The arrow-circle is for resetting the report, in case you remove sources from the analysis or exclude different matching texts.
- The arrow pointing down lets you download a PDF-version of the entire report, so it can be viewed offline.
- The question mark will open a tour of the Urkund reports based on your current location in the report.
- Reset the report settings, download the report or take a tour around the redesigned analysis report in Urkund.
- Findings provide you with a quick overview of how many matching text sections and warnings there are on the report. Clicking on “Matching Text” or “Warnings” will send you to the Findings tab, while clicking “View the entire document” will send you to the Entire Document tab.
- Similarity shows you the submitted documents similarity percentage and the average percentage across all reports sent by your institution.
- Submission details provide further information about the report, such as access to the original paper, when it was submitted, word count etc.
For more information on how to read the similarity report read the article on Reading similarity reports.
As a supporter, you have access to a paper lookup tool, which can be used to find the owner of a handed in an assignment. This can be especially helpful when viewing the sources of a similarity report, where one of the sources is a previously handed in assignment from the same licence.
To use the Paper lookup tool, you click on the “Go to paper lookup” button, which will open a new page where you will be able to enter any paper ID you want and then all relevant information for this paper and its owner will be shown.
When you have acquired a paper ID, you will be able to view various information related to this paper.
- Search: This button will be available to click, as soon as you enter any number into the above search field.
- Reset: This button will clear the current search, and clear the view of whichever paper you were currently viewing.
- General information: This section contains information regarding the Flow where the paper was handed in on, as well as group information, should it be a group paper. An option to log in as the manager on the flow is also available here.
- Files: Here you will be able to see the handed in the material of the paper. This means the handed in assignment and appendix files will be available here. An option to preview the file is available by clicking on the eye or to download by clicking the download button next to the eye.
- Participants: This part contains information related to participants who handed in the paper. This list can contain multiple participants if it is a group paper. An option to log in as the participants directly on the flow is also available here.
Find the guide Supporter: Looking up papers from a paper ID in our knowledge base.
All papers handed in on FLOWassign and FLOWlock will be sent to the Urkund service. The papers will be sent approximately two hours after the participation period ends. The papers will be tested to see if they contain passages of text that also appear elsewhere (internet, library databases, papers handed in by others etc.).
The eye-icon button will show up after the process. The process is as follows;
- Papers are sent off to the service about two hours after the individual participant period ends.
- Papers are tested by the service (takes a few hours) and are sent back to WISEflow.
- When the eye-icon button appears it is possible for the participant to hide the content of the paper, which means that the content is no longer accessible for others in Urkund. But this will not prohibit other papers from being checked for plagiarism against the paper.
Note: Clicking the button will not exclude the submitted paper from being used for text similarity.