This is where you can find general information about the overview page, flow page and profile settings. Please also refer to the articles in the section Completing Assessments for more information on taking part in flows in WISEflow.
After logging in, you are directed to the overview page which shows a list of all the active flows to which you have been allocated. From here, you can also access demo flows which can help to get a feel for how a flow works, as well as the archive where you can see any finished and archived flows.
The following is an overview of the layout of the overview page:
- Enter the archive, where flows are stored that have finished the assessment phase
- Sort your overview:
- To only show flows that start the same day or are ongoing.
- By status, flow title, start or end date and sort the order.
- Filter flows by title.
- List of active exams
- Exam has been newly added by a manager
- Name of the exam
- Timeline and current status
- Flow type
- Participation start and end dates
- Access demo exams to test functionalities of different flow types
The different types of demo flows are:
- FLOWassign: Here you can test the upload of a PDF-based assignment (no lockdown browser required).
FLOWmulti: Try out different interactive question types and if the lockdown browser is correctly installed (requires that the lockdown browser is installed before starting the demo flow). Starting the demo will close all running programs on the computer.
Please be aware that we will simulate loss of internet connection during the test.
- FLOWmulti – Advanced: Tests with a set assignment containing the more advanced type of interactive questions (no lockdown browser required). This can be set to a custom assignment with more relevant question types for your institution.
FLOWlock: Try to write an assignment in the lockdown browser. You can also try the webcam, drawing tool, and other available tools (starting the demo will close all running programs on the computer).
Please be aware that we will simulate loss of internet connection during the test.
A flow can be in different states, which can be seen on the timeline beside each flow:
Enrolled on flow
The flow has between activated but it is not yet open for participation. You can access the flow page to find all relevant information about managers, markers, curriculum, assignment etc. New indicates that this flow has not been accessed before.
Open for participation
You can access the flow and complete the assignment. This participation period can be seen beside the flow icon.
Closed for participation
The participation period deadline has been reached and submissions are being assessed. It is no longer possible to make a submission.
The flow has ended
All submissions have been assessed and you can access any grading and feedback information that has been released.
No paper submitted
No submission has been made by the participation deadline and it cannot be considered in the assessment process.
To enter a particular flow, click on the flow in the list (anywhere in the row).
This brings you to the flow page. The page may look slightly different depending on the flow type and what stage the flow is in. Below is an example for file based examinations in the Open for participation stage.
- See deadline within you need make your submission
- Instructions in connection to the flow
- View and annotate the provided assignment in a new tab or download it
- Information on the flow and view or download any supporting or additional material (documents, links or email addresses)
- Interaction panel (more in-depth description of the functionalities under Upload and Submit a Paper below)
This brings you to the flow page. The page may look slightly different depending on the flow type and what stage the flow is in. Below is an example for examinations taken with the lockdown browser in the Open for participation stage.
- Deadline and lockdown browser guide
- Exam information:
- Grade scale
- Manager of the flow and available contact information
- Name of internal marker (if set)
- Rubric used for marking (if set)
- Files and links on curriculum and supporting material
- Submission section: Start participation button is activated one hour before the start of the exam. Before, you can see a countdown until the start of the participation period. More information on this section further below under Participation with Lockdown Browser.
You can access your language and profile settings at the top right corner of the page. The flag indicates the language that is currently used for all navigation and user interface elements in WISEflow.
To change the language for WISEflow, click the flag icon to open the dropdown menu and choose your preferred language.
To access your profile settings click your name and then Edit profile. Full details on your profile settings can be found here.