The most common reason for not receiving emails from WISEflow is that the messages have been caught in the spam/junk filter of your email service. Look for the folder in your email program where filtered emails are stored (usually named something along the lines of Junk, Spam or Unwanted). If you find an email from WISEflow you should mark the message as not spam/junk (the process may vary across email clients).
To ensure that you always receive emails from WISEflow in the future, add the sender as a contact in your email address book. Most email clients will ask if you want to add the sender to your address book when you mark an email as not spam/junk mail.
Incorrect Email Settings in Your Profile
Another reason that you may not be receiving messages from WISEflow is that the settings of your email account are configured incorrectly. To access these settings, click your name in the top right corner and choose Edit profile.
Scroll down to the Emails pane.
The table called Emails shows the email addresses that are associated with your account, and whether or not notifications are sent to these addresses. It is important to ensure that the email service you wish to use is set to receive WISEflow messages (tick the Notifications box).
To add a new email address, click Add email address and enter the email address. Select whether notifications should be sent to this email address by ticking the Enable notifications for this email check box. Finally click the green Add email button. An activation email will be sent to the newly added address. The Activated column shows whether the email address has been activated and is therefore able to receive messages from WISEflow. It is also possible to resend the activation email if required.
Added Late to a Flow
A third possible reason for not receiving expected messages from WISEflow is that you were added to a flow after some of the messages had already been sent. If you know that you are supposed to be part of an exam with WISEflow but have not received any messages, please check the list of assigned flows in your overview. You can access the exam directly in WISEflow without having received any emails.