Direct Messaging to Participants

Managers and invigilators can send direct messages to participants with important information like time reminders, schedule changes or exam changes, and information participants need during a lockdown exam.

Managers can send direct messages at any time from the Message Centre until the flow is archived. 


Invigilators can only send direct messages whilst the flow is visible to them i.e. during the participation period and up to 10 hours after the participation period has ended.


If a participant is in the flow or within the lockdown browser, they will get a pop-up window up in the foreground, where the direct message will be displayed.  


If the participant is not currently in the flow, the message will be displayed when they first open up the flow page.

Participants will also have access to all messages sent in the past on the flow page and in the lockdown browser. They will be able to reread messages by clicking on Direct messages and opening previous messages.


Direct Messaging Overview


When opening the Direct Messaging page, a few different options will be available:

  1. Create a new direct message in the message editor
  2. View details of past messages
  3. Click on the  icon to view the full message and details of the participants who seen it
  4. See the percentage of participants on the flow who have seen the message

When clicking on a message that has been sent to the participants, it will open up a new window with details of which participants have seen this message. All participants identified as not having seen it will see the message as soon as they open the flow.


Creating a Direct Message

To be Sent Now

Click on the New direct message button to open a new window in the message editor. Select Now for the Select message type. Draft your message to all participants.


In this window, you can create a message to the students with a few different formatting options. The message is immediately sent to all the participants on the flow when you click Send.

To be Sent in the Future

Alternatively, you can schedule a message to be sent at a specific time in relation to either the general participation start or end date. 

Click on the New direct message button to open a new window in the message editor.


  1. Select Schedule for the Select message type
  2. Select whether the message should be scheduled using either the General participation start date or the General participation end date
  3. Select whether the message should be sent at a point in time Before selected date/time or After selected date/time
  4. Select the days/hours/minutes the message should be sent using the above date and time
  5. Check the date and time the message will be sent
  6. A warning message will appear if the message is being scheduled to be sent within the next 5 minutes or in the past; this is not possible
  7. Draft and format your message content

The deadline for deleting a message is 5 minutes prior the scheduled time

Please note that your direct message will be sent to all participants on the flow and relates directly to the general participation period, not a participant's own individual deadline. We therefore recommend you draft your message accordingly if it refers to the end of the participation period.

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