Remarking flows are used when work submitted by a participant that has been marked should be remarked. It works by creating a copy of the original flow, without a participation period but with a start and end date. It will let you add the relevant participants and their submissions directly to the flow; participants are not required to submit their work again.
It is not possible to create a remarking flow on FLOWoral or any flows in a FLOWcombine or FLOWseries.
Re-marking flows will automatically be archived when the individual assessment period has passed for more than 30 days and assessors have submitted grades. It is not possible to manually archive a re-marking flow.
Creating remarking flows is done by selecting Create remarking flow from the dropdown menu of the relevant flow. Alternatively, you can have your licence set up to automatically create a remarking flow when the marking period has ended on a regular flow.
Remarking flows can also be created through the WISEflow API which allows for events in external systems to trigger the creation. In this case, automatic creation in WISEflow should be disabled.
When creating the remarking flow, all settings and related material from the original flow will be carried over. Participants, assessors, reviewers and other roles associated with the original flow will not be transferred to the remarking flow. This allows different assessors and/or reviewers to assess the participants' work.
When the remarking flow is created, it will follow the remarking period specified by the license setting, where you can add participants and create individual assessments with assigned assessors. Note that individual remarking end dates can be changed to go beyond this default remarking period.
With an SIS integration to WISEflow, it is possible to have students automatically synchronised to the remarking flow if the student has sent in a complaint about their grade. Synchronisation is only available as long as the general remarking date is not overdue.
When a remarking flow has been created, you can access it either from the original flow page:
or by filtering your view in the manager dashboard to see all remarking flows .
- Manage and create messages that should be sent at certain points during the remarking period (see the Message Centre article for more information on setting up messages)
- Navigate to the main flow from which the remarking flow is made from
- Add and manage assessors
- Add and manage reviewers
- Add additional material (such as marking guidelines) for the assessors
- Anonymise participants so assessors will not know which students they are grading
- Advanced marking and review settings: no changes will be needed if the remarking is to follow the same settings as the original assessment
- If rubrics were attached to the original flow, they will be displayed; otherwise, you can attach and set up rubrics, if necessary
- View the final assessments
When you are working on a subpage of the remarking flow (assessor allocation, reviewer allocation, advanced settings, etc.), a navigation button will bring you back to the overview page of the remarking flow.
On a remarking flow, you can only add participants from the original flow from which the remarking flow was created. If participants were in groups on the original flow, this will also be displayed.
It is possible to search for specific participants whose work needs remarking. Putting a check mark in the box next to the participant will add them to the list of participants who need remarking. When selected, a remark date will be automatically set as defined on your licence. You can change that date by clicking on the calendar icon when assessors need a different deadline for remarking participants. Once you have saved the selection, these participants and their submitted work will appear on the remarking flow.
It is not possible to delete participants from a remarking flow once they have been activated. You can only deactivate them so that they are no longer visible to assessors and reviewers.
When the participants are added to the remarking flow, you will also need to add an assessor to the flow and assign these to the participants in need of remarking. This is done through the assessor allocation. Now, the remarking is in the hands of the assessors (and reviewers if any are added) who will be remarking the participants.