Marking Overview (Submission of Marks and Grades)

Once grades have been generated using any of the various methods available in the marking tool, the second stage of the process is to submit those grades so they can be registered as final. The marking overview tool provides a convenient means by which assessors can not only perform this action in bulk but can also carry out a final review and calibration exercise if necessary before locking in the final outcomes.

Accessing the Marking Overview Screen

The marking overview screen can be accessed in a couple of different ways. From the flow landing page select the Open the marking overview button.


Alternatively, from within the marking tool, open the right-hand student menu and then Go to submission of grades


Using the Marking Overview and Submitting Grades

The marking overview screen displays the list of the students to which you have been assigned as an assessor as well as any grading information you have generated using the marking tool. It provides a graphic display on your progress through the marking. The status of each submission can also used to filter your list. It is possible to bypass the marking tool and enter grades directly into the marking overview if the flow has been configured in a way that permits this (see point 12 below).


  1. The deadline for submitting marking information on the flow
  2. Graphic display of marking progress showing the number of submissions in each state of marking: not yet provided a grade (unmarked), grades not yet submitted, grades with conflict (compared with co-assessor for the same submission) and grades submitted
  3. Bulk submit button for any yet to be submitted grades in the grade column (point 11 below)
  4. Generate and download a grade sheet for offline population which can then be uploaded back into WISEflow (see offline functionality article for more information)
  5. Co-assessor information:  filter the student list according to which colleagues are assigned as co-assessors
  6. Grade state filter: filter the student list according to the marking status of the submission as described in point 2 above)
  7.  Filter the student list by searching for an individual participant
  8. The returned similarity index (if enabled); you can jump straight to the similarity report from here
  9. Indicates whether a submission has been made for each student in the list
  10. Details the co-assessors allocated to each student (if applicable)
  11. This is the grade that has either been generated using the marking tool or entered directly into the marking overview but is yet to be submitted
  12.  Entered grades that are waiting for the action of another user in the system, for example, the agreement of a colleague, or approval by a reviewer
  13. The rightmost column shows grades that have been locked in as submitted and final
  14. The option to enter or change a grade directly against a student and bypass the marking tool; click anywhere in the row to open the options shown in the blue outlined area
  15. Enter the grade for an individual student
  16. Submit the grade for an individual student
  17. Submit an Alternative grade for an individual student (see the final section of this article for further information).
  18. Enter a comment to accompany the grade; any comments will be seen by the assessor, the reviewer and the manager within the Grade Audit Trail (see the Grade Audit Trail section below)

The marking overview screen may look slightly different in some circumstances. For example, if the flow is configured so that markers are not required to enter final grades in WISEflow, then fewer columns will be visible.

Marker Agreement and Approval by Reviewer

WISEflow can support several different options that enable assessors and reviewers to collaborate in structured marking workflows. These are detailed here.

Where one of these workflows is enabled, and as detailed in point 11 above, some aspects of the grade submission process are reliant on the actions of others in the system. Where assessors are required to converge on an agreed mark, WISEflow will highlight where any discrepancies have occurred. Assessors will then need to discuss and agree on a final mark and both assessors will need to re-enter this into the mark overview.

Where a reviewer is being used to determine the final grading outcome, assessors will not see the grade appear as finalised until the reviewer has registered and locked in the final grade.

If neither collaboration workflow is enabled the grades will be registered and locked in immediately upon submission by the assessor.

Alternative Grades

Where a grading outcome is not required, it is possible to set an alternative grade in its place. This is designed to capture situations where, for example, students might be absent from the assessment. To enter the alternative grade, grade click on the relevant student row, open the Alternative Grade burger menu, and select the appropriate value.

Alternative grades will overrule any other grade submitted by a co-assessor.

The table of possible values is controlled by your institutional licence administrator. Please see the article here for further information.

The alternative grade module is an optional feature and may not be available on your licence.

Grade Audit Trail

Actions made by assessors, reviewers and managers are recorded in the Grade Audit Trail, accessed by assessors via the Marking Overview.


Grades submitted by an assessor are only visible once the grade has been submitted. Only entering a grade will not display the intended grade in the Grade Audit Trail.

If the grade has been submitted but there is a conflict with a co-assessor, the conflict alert will be displayed in the Grade Audit Trail. However, each assessor will only see their own grade. Each assessor cannot see their co-assessors conflicting grade in the audit trail.


Grades that require approval by a reviewer will show as a submitted grade and will only be displayed as a finalised grade when approved by a reviewer.

Any comments made by the assessor in the marking overview when submitting the grade (see point 18 above), will be displayed. Any Alternative Grades submitted will also be visible in the Grade Audit Trail.

The Grade Audit Trail will show if an assessor has withdrawn their entered grade (please see Withdrawing a Grade below) or if a manager has unlocked a submitted grade.

Assessors can only see their own submitted grades and comments. Grades and comments from co-assessors are not visible, even if the grade has been finalised. Only reviewers and managers can view grades and comments from all assessors.

Any actions completed prior to the release of this new feature on Friday 8 October 2022 will not be recorded in the Grade Audit Trail.

Withdrawing a Grade

Before a grade is finalised, it is possible for the assessor to withdraw the grade. This can only be achieved before the system has finalised the grade i.e. before a co-assessor submits a matching grade.

Assessors can also add a comment to accompany the withdrawal which will be displayed in the Grade Audit Trail.


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