FLOWsentiment creates a report for an assessor against each participant they have marked providing data on how their feedback may be perceived. The report will categorise the feedback and provide an overview of whether the language used is positive or negative. A detailed percentage report indicates if the assessor uses predominantly positive or negative feedback.
Creating a Feedback Analysis
A feedback analysis is requested by clicking on the Feedback analysis button above the table of participants.
The request will include which types of shared feedback are to be incorporated into the report. There is the option of choosing between feedback shared with the participant, the assessor or both. Click Request feedback analysis to request the report.
When the feedback analysis report is available, a coloured box with a percentage rating in it is visible. The box represents the category with the highest percentage and the type of feedback it relates to.
Viewing the Feedback Analysis
By clicking on the box, you can access a more detailed report about how the feedback has been categorised for the chosen participant. Four colours are used for the categories:
Grey: represents neutral feedback given to the participant, meaning it had no positive or negative impact.
Green: represents positive feedback given to the participant.
Yellow: represents mixed feedback; all sentences or pieces of feedback that have both a negative and a positive point go into this category. (Note: this is not the same as neutral which denotes feedback without any overly positive or negative remarks)
Red: represents negative feedback. This is feedback that would cast a negative light on the participants assignment and is considered non-constructive criticism.