DPA, Policies and Service Terms

Data Processing Agreement

The Data Processor Agreement for WISEflow is derived from the Standard Contractual Clauses EU-EAA and are usually entered into between UNIwise and you and the entity you represent, and is incorporated into and governed by the terms of the Agreement. You and the entity you represent may have another Customer-specific DPA governing your use of the Solution.

Click here to begin the signing process (you will be taken to Docusign)

For German institutions: Click here to begin the signing process in both English and German (you will be taken to Docusign)

If you are not the legal Signer, you can still access the documents by clicking the 'Begin signing' button and then assigning it to the legal Signer from the menu entitled 'Other Actions'. Alternatively, you can forward this mail, including the links.

The Data Processor Agreement for WISEflow (Standard Contractual Clauses EU-EAA) will be countersigned by UNIwise and will enter into force after mutual signature, and replace any previous DPA in your Agreement. You can access and download a copy immediately upon signing, but you will be notified and gain access to your final document when UNIwise countersigns it.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us at legal@uniwise.dk.

Privacy Policy

By visiting http://www.wiseflow.net & http://www.wiseflow.dk, ("Site"), you are subject to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Download the Privacy Policy


List of the current Sub-processors, including the identities of Sub-processors and their country of location.

WISEflow Sub-Processors
Sub-Processor Identity Purpose Entity Location Contractual Safeguards Website
AWS Amazon Data Hosting & Technology Service Provider Germany & Ireland DPA (SCC) under the
EU - US data
Learnosity Authoring & Advanced Question Technology Provider Ireland DPA learnosity.com
Sentry (Functional Software Inc.) Error tracking & Monitoring Germany & United States* DPA (SCC) under the
EU - US data
CloudFlare Inc. Caching of static resources, DDOS protection & Web application firewall Multiple locations DPA (SCC) under the
EU - US data
Sub-Processors Outside WISEflow
Sub-Processor Identity Purpose Entity Location Contractual Safeguards Website
Brevo Email delivery provider France DPA brevo.com
Zendesk Customer Support Ticket Technology Provider EU DPA (SCC) under the
EU - US data
Hubspot CRM Platform Provider EEA DPA (SCC) under the
EU - US data
Feature-specific Sub-Processors
Sub-Processor Identity Purpose Entity Location Contractual Safeguards Website
Geogebra STEM based Question Technology Provider (only if applied by customer) Austria DPA geogebra.org

*Service data is stored and processed in the region selected by the customer (in our case EU, Frankfurt). However, in some edge cases it may also be processed in the US.

Data Transfer Impact Assessment

Cloudflare Transfer Impact Assessment

Cloudflare protects the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of our platform, offering superior protection against DDOS and other malicious attacks. As Cloudflare provides global protection, users outside the EU may experience very limited data processing outside the EU before entering the WISEflow platform. To ensure compliance, we have conducted a Data Transfer Impact Assessment which you can find here.

Download the Data Transfer Impact Assessment

We have also collected some frequently asked questions around Cloudfare as a subprocessor.


Zendesk Transfer Impact Assessment

View and download the Zendesk Transfer Impact Assessment.

Learnosity Transfer Impact Assessment

View and download the Learnosity Transfer Impact Assessment.

Brevo Transfer Impact Assessment

View and download the Brevo Transfer Impact Assessment.


Terms & Conditions

This GDPR-compliant Agreement contains the terms and conditions that generally govern your access to and use the Solution and is part of the Agreement between UNIwise and you and the entity you represent. You and the entity you represent may have another Customer-specific T&C agreement governing your use of the Solution.

Download the Terms and Conditions DK and Global

Download the Terms and Conditions UK

Download the Statement of Work

Cookie Policy

UNIwise ApS ("us", "we", or "our") use cookies on http://www.wiseflow.dk/ & http://www.wiseflow.net (the "Site"). By using the Site, you consent to the use of cookies.

Download the Cookie Policy

Service Level Agreement

This GDPR-compliant Service Level Agreement contains the terms and conditions that generally govern your Service and is an agreement between UNIwise and you and the entity you represent. You and the entity you represent may have another Customer-specific Service Level Agreement governing your Service.

Download the Service Level Agreement


This document contains UNIwise ApS' statement and description of the general it-controls related to WISEflow. Furthermore, it describes the independent service auditor's assurance report on controls' description and design and implementation. At last, control objectives, controls, tests, and related test controls are explained.

Download the ISAE3402 (2024)

Download the ISAE3402 (2023)

Download the ISAE3402 (2022)

Download the ISAE3402 (2021)

Download the ISAE3402 (2020)

WISEflow Accessibility Statement

This Accessibility statement covers what already has been done to make WISEflow accessible, what we intend to do to improve its accessibility and how we plan to maintain accessibility in WISEflow.

Access our general Accessibility Statement and read up on accessibility in WISEflow.

Disclaimer Regarding the Use of the Lockdown Browser Technology in WISEflow 

FLOWlock is based on a LockDown browser technology developed by Respondus, and utilised, further enhanced and implemented by UNIwise in the WISEflow platform, in order for our clients to conduct secure essay and MCQ based onsite exams (FLOWlock & FLOWmulti).

Respondus is the world-leading developer of the lockdown browser technology, and have for more than a decade developing their application. UNIwise have therefore partnered with them and implemented their technology via an SDK agreement, in order for us to further enhance and support the usage of the lockdown technology in WISEflow. UNIwise takes security very seriously, and hence believe that it is important this technology is constantly developed and maintained by an accountable and professional part taking responsibility for this.

The lockdown browser function by shutting down applications (known or perceived to be able of violating the security) on the computer (both IOS & Window platforms), and at the same time making sure that required applications in order to run the computer, the lockdown browser (Chromium) and executing the exam, are maintained.

As IOS and Windows come in many versions and on different devices, securing the required applications and locking down others are a complicated matter, as each computer device and each version of operation system contains a broad and very different palette of minor applications needed in order to boot and operate in itself. And as operating systems, browsers and devices are constantly updated, this complicates the task even further, likewise securing and supporting performance on a wide range of devices, versions of operating systems and browsers.

For this reason, UNIwise is prompting its users to comply with a set of minimum requirements in regards to versions of the browser and operating system. Nonetheless, UNIWise cannot guarantee 100% compliance and support with every device even though they meet the minimum requirements set out. However, UNIwise supplies all users with the possibility to check their compliance and performance inside WISEflow beforehand of any exam.

Likewise, blacklisting and shutting down applications not supposed to run or in possible violation of the security for an exam is a constant process, as new applications emerge on the market, existing are altered or updated and it often is hard to determine whether an application is an enabler or a violator. UNIwise therefore cannot 100% guarantee that the lockdown mode will always prevent every possible violating application to be killed in the process of launching the FLOWlock browser.

UNIwise is dedicated to making the lockdown browser the most secure method for onsite exams possible, together with Respondus we regularly monitor the market for applications and features on devices that might introduce violations of the security, in order to actively block or take measures to prevent them. However, given the nature explained above, it is not possible to cover all grounds and markets, and especially not niche markets where minor or less known applications might be used. Therefore UNIwise encourages its customers to help point out violating applications not blocked by the lockdown browser, in order for UNIwise and Respondus to quickly respond to this and make certain to block it.

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