Rubric-based Marking

Rubric-based marking is an advanced marking workflow available with all flow types, where assessors can be assigned to mark separate rubrics that can correspond to specific parts of a submission. Whilst rubrics can be used for all marking workflows, rubric-based marking allows for scores generated by rubric to be automatically aggregated both between assessors using the same rubric, and assessors using different rubrics. This opens up the possibility of more flexible marking strategies, such as:

  • Appointing assessors with different specialisms to assess different parts of the paper.
  • Automating final grading decisions based on contributions from several assessors.

There is more information for managers about how to set up rubric-based assessment here.

From the assessor perspective, the process of completing the rubric is no different than any other workflow, however, there are some minor differences in terms of submitting the generated marks and scores.

Only managers can attach rubric(s) if a flow is set up with rubrics-based marking.

Registering and Submitting Rubric Marks

Once rubrics have been completed, the marks that have been generated need to be submitted and finalised. With rubric-based marking this differs slightly from the standard process because, rather than arriving at a final grade for the whole submission, the assessor is submitting marks that will be separately aggregated in order to reach that final grade.

Marks will display and round to 1 decimal, where applicable.

To submit marks, navigate to the right-hand student menu in the marking tool. It is possible to submit one by one and also in bulk. For the former approach, click Submit marks, as shown below:


Alternatively, to submit scores in bulk, click the Go to mark tool button to reach the marking overview page.

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