Creating a Standard Rubric

A standard rubric is like a matrix that can clarify and visualise criteria, e.g. learning outcomes in coursework and exam situations. Rubrics support feedback from academics to students. In WISEflow, a rubric is created by the author, used by the assessors in the assessment period, and shown to the participants on the flow after the end of the assessment period.

This article will go through how to create a standard rubric as well as show an example of a written assignment evaluation. Please refer to Publishing Assignments and Rubrics when you want to make a rubric available for use on a flow.

Please note that standard rubrics cannot be completed offline as part of WISEflow's marking offline functionality. Only custom rubrics constructed from MCQ or range-scoring questions can be be completed when marking offline.

Creating a New Rubric

As an author, click on Rubrics on the overview page and then on New rubric New_rubric_Icon.png.


In the new pop-up window,


  1. Give your rubric a title (max. 50 characters),
  2. add a description (max. 500 characters),
  3. add tags,
  4. and click on Next to continue.

As a default, Standard rubric will be chosen. Click on Create to get started.


The newly created rubric will now show up at the top of your unpublished rubrics list.


As it is a new rubric, you have the following tools available to edit your new standard rubric.

  1. Edit the title, description and tags of the rubric.
  2. Copy the current version of the rubrics.
  3. Open a focused view which will only show the rubric you are currently working on in the tab.
  4. Delete the rubric (Hold to confirm).
  5. Add rubric matrix.
Adding a Rubric Matrix

Click Add rubric matrix (Add_rubric_matrix_icon.png). You can either add a pre-made rubric matrix from the content bank (Add_from_content_bank_icon.png) or create a new matrix (Add_new_icon.png). In this example we will create a new matrix.

The matrix editor has the following options:


  1. Name the criterion that should be checked (e.g. Spelling, Content).
  2. Choose Rating titles (e.g. Above average, Satisfactory, ect.) and amount of points each rating is worth.
  3. Choose the influence of each criterion. Each rating score is automatically recalculated to show this influence ratio (e.g. 25/75 would change the fourth rating to 10/30 points). Up to 1 decimal number is allowed.
  4. Choose whether or not assessors that use the rubric can add a text or audio comment to the criterion during assessment.
  5. Click to add descriptions of each rating/criterion. There is a limit of 1500 characters in the description field.
  6. Click Adjust matrix to add the ability to add Add_column_icon.png or remove Remove_column_icon.png columns or rows of the matrix.


Below is an example of a filled rubrics matrix (Attached to this article is the JSON-file, allowing you to import the same rubric to your library):


In this example, we have two criteria (Spelling and Content) and four levels of rating. Notice, the descriptions show the actual worth of each block. These add up to a maximum score for the rubric of 15 points (the last rating), if assessed to Perfect in both Spelling and Content. Spelling allows for a written comment to the rating, and Content allows for an audio comment (these can be combined).

When you have added the matrix, your updated rubric will include some extra information and options as seen below:


  1. Number of criteria.
  2. Maximum amount of points available.
  3. Add grade scaler.
  4. Publish rubric, allowing it to be used on flows (with or without grade scaler).
  5. Edit rubric matrix.
  6. Add a copy of the rubric matrix to the content bank.
  7. Delete rubric matrix.
  8. Open/Close matrix preview.
Using the Content Bank

The content bank has a lot of features to help you create, customise, and share rubrics. The content bank is a place to store all your rubrics for future use. You can import matrices from the content bank when creating rubrics and build matrices directly in the content bank.

The content bank can be found in the rubrics overview:


  1. Import or export matrices from / to JSON-file format.
  2. Filter or order your list of matrices.
  3. Maximum score of the matrix.
  4. All matrices are per default not shared with anybody. You can share your matrix either with specific authors or with all authors on the licence.
  5. Owner of the content. If a matrix was shared with you, the initials of the author will be shown in the circle.
  6. Preview ( Preview_Assignment_Icon.png) , edit, hide or delete the matrix (More_options_icon.png) or edit the content of the matrix ( Edit_section_icon.png) .
  7. Expand to review the matrix content.
  8. Bulk action for all or selected matrices: hide, remove the sharing, share with selected users, share with all users on the licence or delete matrices.

Click New matrix to start and edit a new matrix in your content bank.



Long Essay/Assignment Evaluation

This example shows how to use a standard rubric to evaluate a longer essay or assignment. The criteria e.g. learning outcomes for the course will be visualised in the rubric. Using rubrics this way will give students an idea of how the learning outcomes are weighted. The assessor can use it while assessing and use the rubric to give feedback to the students.

You can find the example here as a .json file. You can import the file to WISEflow and add it to your own rubrics. The file cannot be imported to the content bank!

This is a preview:


The participant can preview the rubric before handing in the assignment (if allowed by the manager via the rubric settings).


The assessor uses the rubric while assessing the essay:


The manager can decide if the grade scaler should be enforced or the assessor can set the mark manually.

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