This article shows how you as a manager can attach rubrics to a flow and, if rubric-based marking is enabled, how you can manage the assessment process. When you click on Set up rubric in the Marking and Review tab, you can attach and manage rubrics on a new subpage.
- Decide whether manual marking or rubric-based marking should be set as the marking method (see below for more information).
- Rubric Settings:
- Decide whether participants should be allowed to see a preview of the rubrics when the flow is activated.
- By default, rubrics are shared with participants at the end of the marking period; disable, if participants should not have access to the completed rubrics
- Shortcut to the Marking and Review settings of the flow
- The grade scaler is used to convert marks from a rubric (or several rubrics in the case of rubric-based marking) to a grade; when manual marking is enabled, the grade scaler is disabled if more than one rubric is attached to the flow
- Attach and view rubrics that are to be connected to the flow
- Shortcut to the assessor allocation page
- Allocate rubrics to assessors via a matrix
You can attach rubrics by their reference code:
or search for rubrics that have been shared with you by an author. This will open up a new window where you can search through published rubrics, preview them and select them to be added to the flow.
You will then see all attached rubrics in the overview:
- The top part displays the name, the minimum and maximum score as well as the type of the rubric: standard
or custom
- The middle part shows the reference code and the name of the author who created the rubric.
- At the bottom, you have the option to delete
, view
or remove all allocations
from the rubric. If only one rubric is attached, you can also allocate
this rubric to all assessors on the flow. If more than one rubric is attached, you will need to use the rubrics allocation matrix below. On the right-hand side, you see if the rubric still needs to be allocated to assessors
or how many assessors are allocated to a specific rubric
Only rubrics containing MCQ or range-scoring questions can be used for offline marking.
Or you can use the allocation matrix to quickly allocate all available rubrics to all assessors.
The allocated rubrics will then be displayed next to the assessor's name and indicated on the rubrics by a number.
When manual marking is chosen as the marking method, you can set up a grade scaler (see below) but assessors will have to assess the participants' submissions and submit the grades.
You can set a grade scaler that should be used to convert points from a rubric to a grade. Click on the icon to set or edit the grade scaler.
The range that is displayed is the minimum and maximum score for the rubric. This score is used to convert the points from the rubric to marks. The system uses the grading scale that has been set on the flow and automatically sets even intervals.
You can adjust the grade scaler by dragging each interval border or by entering the boundary values of the intervals.
It is possible to enforce the grade scaler so that assessors will not be able to manually adjust the final grades.
It is also possible to use the grade scaler set by the author for this rubric if one has been saved for the grading scale that is being used on the flow. If no grade scaler has been defined by the author, this option will be greyed out.
Once the grade scaler has been set up, you need to save it.
It is possible for assessors to submit an overall final grade using the marking overview without completing the assigned rubric.
When Rubric-Based Marking is chosen, the assessor will still need to assess the submissions of the participants and submit marks for the rubric but you as the manager will be responsible for finalising the grading process. The settings and allocation display are slightly different to the ones from manual marking.
Next to the grade scaler, a new pane will display the possible calculation methods. By clicking on the icon, you can decide if the score between assessors or scores between the rubrics should be calculated by average or summed up.
Depending on your chosen calculation method, the maximum range of points on the grade scaler will change. If more than one rubric is used, it will not be possible to use the grade scaler set by the author (if one is available for the grading scale being used on the flow). Note that the message will be displayed on the grade scaler if rubrics have not been allocated to assessors.
When a grade scaler has been set and the calculation method is changed afterwards, it may be necessary to set the grade scaler again. This will also be displayed by an icon.
Marking Overview
At the bottom of the page, you can see the progression overview next to the rubric allocation (see Rubrics Allocation above for more information). This overview shows the participant list on the flow, the marking process and enables you to submit the final grades that have been calculated based on the point submission by the assessors and the set grade scaler.
Assessors have not opened the rubric and started the marking process yet. | The assessor has started with the rubric but has not approved the marks yet. | The assessor has finalised the rubric and approved the marks but still has to submit them. | Assessors have approved the marks of the rubric and submitted them. |
When all assessors have approved their rubric and submitted the marks, the system will calculate a grade based on the calculation method and the set grade scaler. If you want to finalise the grade you can either submit grades for individual participants by clicking on the icon and submit the final grade or click Submit all if you want to submit all grades at the same time.
As long as no grades have been finally submitted, it is possible to unlock the points that assessors have submitted. Click on the green point icon in the appropriate column and unlock the score for that participant. The assessor can then change the rubric.
Once a grade has been submitted, the score will be locked in the system and it will only be possible to unlock it from the participant list of the flow page.
When enabled on the licence, an alternative grade will override the calculated grade and it will not be possible to submit the calculated grade.