The marking tool can be affected by a setting called Hardware Acceleration. With this setting enabled, it affects how programs render text and pictures, which is why the marking tool can be affected and can create a poor or blurred display. The Hardware Acceleration setting can be disabled; please follow the links below to the help article relevant for your Operating System:
How to fix on Windows:
How to fix on Chrome:
How to fix on MacOS:
Institutions can choose to have all files submitted to WISEflow by participants, scanned for malware. The malware scanning service scans all files uploaded to FLOWhandin, FLOWassign and FLOWlock flows to check for malicious content. The files are scanned once the work is submitted; files are not scanned at the point of uploading. If found to be harmful, the file is placed into quarantine and can no longer be downloaded from the system by any user.
As an assessor, the quarantined file will not be available to view within the marking tool and cannot be downloaded.
In the participant summary on the flow landing page, clicking on the submission related files icon, will reveal if a file is unavailable. A icon will indicate that it is unavailable and the options for previewing or downloading files are greyed out and cannot be accessed:
For FLOWassign submissions, if the main PDF file has been quarantined, viewing the file in the marking tool will display a quarantine message and the file will not be able to be viewed:
If a quarantined file was submitted as an appendix, the quarantined file is unavailable, either for previewing or downloading. A red icon will indicate that it is has been quarantined. No further action can be taken.
In FLOWhandin where a list of submitted files for a participant is displayed, the quarantined file is unavailable, either for previewing or downloading. A icon will indicate that it is unavailable and the options for previewing or downloading files are greyed out and cannot be accessed. Clicking on the icon will display a message that the file has been quarantined and no further action can be taken.
Where the file could be downloaded as part of a larger zip file, such as when downloading all files associated with a submission, the quarantined file is replaced with a text file stating that this is a replacement for a file which has been quarantined.
It is not possible for an assessor to remove an affected file from the flow. It is possible for a quarantined submission to be withdrawn and deleted but this will depend mainly on your institution's policy surrounding assessment. If you find a file has been quarantined, we recommend you contact the manager of the flow.