The glossary includes the most commonly used terms within WISEflow and incudes the Danish translation. A link to a relevant article is included against most terms but the translation to English should also help with searching for other articles within the Service Centre.
Danish | English | Description |
adgangskode for deltagelse | participation password | Password used by participants to start a flow and submit their work (More info here) |
adgangslink | access link | A URL that grants the user access to WISEflow without requesting username and password (More info here) |
administrativ bedømmelse | alternative grade |
A grade applied as an alternative to explain the absence of a final grade such as student absent, no show or student sick (More info here)
administrator | manager | Managers in WISEflow can create and configure flows within the system (More info here) |
aflevere blankt | blank submission |
A submission that does not include any work |
annotation | annotation | Assessors can annotate a submission to provide focused feedback linked to specific locations within a document (More info here) |
arkiv (arkiverede flow/flowarkiv) | archive (archived flow/flow archive) |
A flow is archived 30 days after the flow has been completed and can be found in the flow archive |
bedømmelse | marking | The assessors evaluation of a submission (More info here) |
bedømmelsesform | grading scale | The scale used by assessors on a flow to grade participants' work (More info here) |
bedømmelsesperiode | marking period | Period of time during which assessors, and if applicable reviewers, must complete the marking of participants' submissions on a flow (More info here) |
bedømmelsesvejledning | marking guidance | Added to a flow by an author or manager, files and/or links available for assessors and reviewers as guidance during the marking process (More info here) |
bedømmer | assessor | Person who evaluates and marks the work submitted by a participant (More info here) |
bedømmergruppe | assessor group | A group of assessors who can assess the same participants or items. Allocated to participants or items as a group (More info here) |
bedømmerværktøj | marking tool | The tool used by assessors to mark submissions and provide feedback (More info here) |
CPR-nummer | personal identification number | A personal ID number issued to every citizen of a country |
deltager | participant | Participants complete assessments within WISEflow and in most cases will be students or candidates (More info here) |
direkte besked | direct message | Direct messages are announcement-like messages shown directly to all participants currently engaged on a flow (More info here) |
eksporter bedømmelser | export grades |
Enables the manager to export final grades from WISEflow, for example, to a Student Information System (More info here) |
eksterne ressourcer | permitted internet resources | Pre-approved web resources made available to participants whilst working within the lockdown browser (More info here) |
ekstramateriale | appendix material |
Additional material handed out to the participant that accompanies the actual assignment when creating a file based assignment in the legacy authoring tool
(More info here) |
ekstramaterialeværktøjer | appendix tool |
A set of tools used by the participant to create and manage appendices to their submission for FLOWmulti or FLOWlock assessments
(More info here) |
endelig bedømmelse | final grade |
The final assessment result recorded in the system after all assessors/reviewers have completed their marking and the final grade is confirmed; this can be exported from the system (More info here)
Enighed mellem medbedømmere | marker agreement |
A marking workflow where markers are required to confer and converge on an agreed final grade
(More info here) |
feedbackindhold | feedback sentiment |
An automated word analysis of annotations and comments from assessors turned into a percentage score of positivity (100%) / negativity (0%) (More info here)
filbaseret opgave | file-based assignment |
Created in the legacy authoring tool, an assignment that contains a PDF file and may contain appendix material (More info here)
flow | flow |
The workflow/framework for an assessment: participants, assessors, invigilators, reviewers, managers, assignments, deadlines, settings, etc (More info here)
forfatter | author |
Creates assignments and/or rubrics in the authoring tool (More info here)
fælles besvarelse | group submission |
Single submission being completed and submitted by one person on behalf of a group of participants
(More info here) |
gangvagt | invigilator |
Nominated person to oversee the running of the assessment via the participation monitor (More info here)
godkendt af reviewer | reviewer approval |
A marking workflow where a reviewer is required to approve the final grade (More info here)
indholdsbank | content bank |
Repository for content created by authors which incudes: items for FLOWmulti assignments, files for file-based assignments (legacy authoring tool only), matrices for standard rubrics or items for custom rubrics
(More info here) |
individuel flowlængde | timeboxing |
Set an individual time period for completion of the flow within a longer general participation period, for example, participants have 3 hours to complete an assessment anytime within a 72 hour period
(More info here) |
indsende | submit |
To enter and confirm a participant's completed exam or uploaded file, or an assessor's recommend grade (More info here)
karakter | grade |
The score or grade submitted by the assessor when marking participants' work (More info here)
karakteromregner | grade scaler |
The tool used to convert points or marks for example, from a rubric, into a grade or score
(More info here) |
karakteroversigt | marking overview |
Enables assessors to see an overview of all their entered or submitted grades on a flow. Here they can also update and submit their final grades (More info here)
kriterier | criteria |
Define criteria within a standard rubric matrix against which assessors will rate participant performance (More info here)
licensadministrator | licence administrator |
Has the ability to configure some system level settings as well as add and manage system users |
lockdown browser | lockdown browser |
Application used to provide a secure environment on the participant's device for the completion of locked-down WISEflow assessments (FLOWmulti or FLOWlock) |
lokal kopi | offline backup |
A backup copy of the participant's work created in the event of connectivity issues (More info here) |
matrix | matrix |
A table used to create a standard rubric with defined criteria (rows) and the rating (columns) |
meddelelse | message |
Emails sent from WISEflow, scheduled to groups of users according to role (participant, assessor, etc.) or direct messages sent to all participants within the flow during the participation period (More info here) |
meddelelsescenter | message centre |
Editor within WISEflow where messages are written, scheduled and sent (More info here) |
medforfatter | co-author |
Two or more authors (co-authors) working in collaboration on the same content |
nøgleord | tag |
Used within the legacy authoring tool, content (items, assignments and rubrics) can be associated with tags that can be used to search for or filter content |
offline bedømmelse | offline marking |
Marking activity that takes place outside of WISEflow (More info here) |
ombedømmelse |
remarking |
An opportunity for the same participant submission to be marked again by either the same or different assessor(s) (More info here) |
omslag | cover sheet |
The front page of a submission, created automatically within WISEflow, containing configurable information such as participant name, exam ID, participation period, assessor details, etc (More info here) |
omslagsfelter | cover sheet fields |
Data fields configured to be displayed on the cover sheet with additional field options for customisation (More info here) |
opgave | assignment |
Created by an author/author group in the authoring tool, the assignment contains the content the participant must complete for their assessment; either a FLOWmulti assignment or file-based assignment (legacy tool only) |
pladsholder |
placeholder |
Created by a manager in FLOWoral when utilising a slot for default slots or breaks (More info here) |
point | marks |
Numerical credit awarded for a question, item or assignment prior to it being confirmed as a final grade (More info here) |
progressionsoversigt | marking overview |
Tool used by managers to monitor marking progress in either item-based marking, rubric-based marking or FLOWseries (portfolio) |
publicere/publiceret | publish/published |
Rubrics must be published in the authoring tool to be shared with others or attached to flows; assignments are also published using the legacy authoring tool |
relationssøgning | relational search |
Tool enabling managers to conduct a cross-flow user search (More info here) |
reviewer | reviewer | Assigned to a flow to oversee the marking process and agree final grades if required (More info here) |
rubric | rubric | A structured set of criteria used to assess student performance (More info here) |
rubrikbaseret bedømmelse | rubric-based marking | A workflow that supports assessors being assigned to individual rubrics (More info here) |
sektion | item | An item is a placeholder for content e.g. questions, text, audio or video used to create FLOWmulti assignments or custom rubrics (More info here) |
sektionsbaseret bedømmelse | item-based marking | A workflow that supports assessors being assigned to individual items for marking (More info here) |
semester | term | A period of time during the academic year which can be specified for a flow (More info here) |
spørgsmål | question | The smallest entity of an assignment with 52 different question types available; questions can be stand alone or grouped into items and multiple items can be used to create an assignment (More info here) |
standard rubric | standard rubric | A matrix can be created to display a set of criteria used to assess student performance (More info here) |
stedprøve |
on-site assessment | An assessment conducted online but the participant attends a designated location such as an exam hall and are often called Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) |
student information system (SIS) | student information system (SIS) | An example of such a system is the Danish Stads (More info here) |
supporter | support | A supporter is able to view other user's accounts and flows to help troubleshoot and offer support (More info here) |
systemkrav | system requirements | The minimum system requirements required for WISEflow activity such as running the lockdown browser (More info here) |
tekstlighed | similarity | Measurement displayed as a percentage within WISEflow, based on the level of content matched to other sources (via Turnitin); this could be an indication of plagiarism (More info here) |
tekstlighedsanalyse |
similarity analysis | The similarity analysis is completed by the plagiarism detection software service (More info here) |
tekstlighedsrapport | similarity report | Report describing the outcome of the similarity analysis (More info here) |
tildelt | allocation | Assigning resources within WISEflow such as assessors to participants, rubrics to assessors and items to assessors (More info here) |
tilgængelighed | accessibility | Ensuring the design of WISEflow enables access by all users regardless of their needs e.g. colours, fonts and compatibility with voice readers to assist the visually impaired (More info here) |
tilknyttet forfatter | associated author | An author associated with a flow to enable the attachment of assignments and supporting material (More info here) |
tilpasset rubric | custom rubric | A bespoke rubric designed without the confines of a matrix using any question type within the authoring tool (More info here) |
vurdering | rating | Define the ratings within a standard rubric matrix which assessors will use to rate participant performance (More info here) |
værktøj | tool | Can be added to an item to be made available to the participant when completing the assignment such as a protractor or a calculator (More info here) |