Export Audit Events from a Flow

This use case covers using the WISEflow API to see the marking audit trail for a specific participant on a flow. It does not cover how to find the flowId which is described in this article. You can find the participantId using the GET /flows/{flowId}/participants endpoint described in this article.

This use case is ideal for institutions relying on the WISEflow API and has built their own middleware to control key aspects of WISEflow.

The endpoint will return the same information as available in the Grade Audit Trail.

Return Audit Events from a Flow

The GET /flows/{flowId}/participants/{participantId}/marking-audit-trail endpoint is used to return the audit events for a participant on a flow. With the flowId and the participantId as the mandatory parameters, the audit events will be returned in descending order. It is also possible to set the offset and the limit of items returned: 

flowId: 1234
participantId: 1122
offset: 1666257518808
limit: 100

The above parameters will return the audit events from the flow, on the participant, starting from the offset, and returning the latest 100 events.

The response may look different depending on the audit event.

   "success": true,
   "data": {
     "auditEvents": [
         "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
         "triggeredBy": {
           "userId": 4455        
}, "grade": { "value": 1, "scaleId": 1
}, "score": "20", "points": "20", "markingAuditNote": "string", "assessorUserId": 1, "type": "assessor.audit.log.submit.grade", "timestamp": 1649069843
} ] }, "pagination": { "offset": 10, "limit": 100, "total": 100
} }

The audit events can be used for statistics and analysis of the assessor events. Here the mark published webhook event can be used to tell, when an assessor has submitted the final grade. 

Analysing the Response

Looking at the markingAuditNote which will show comments made by the assessor, and the type which shows information on audit event, for example when a grade is submitted or withdrawn. Comments and events made by assessors can be used with the assessorId to identify the assessor and shared outside WISEflow. Comments and events can be useful for analysing the process, for example how often a grade is submitted and then withdrawn, or if there are often conflicting grades when co-assessing a flow.

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