Minor Release November 2022

Adding Items to Assignments on Defined Criteria
Improved Assignment Creation
Minor Improvement
Group Information on Remarking Flows
Minor Improvement
New Marking Tool (Beta Version)
Improvements to Participant Overview
Minor Improvement
Adjustments and Minor Improvements
Article on Log Entries in Participation Monitor
WISEflow Glossary
New API Endpoints


Lockdown Browser Versions

This minor release does not include new versions of the lockdown browser.

Please note that the lockdown browser version for MAC has been updated to version since the last major release in October.


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Adding Items to Assignments on Defined Criteria

Authors will have the option to add items from their content bank into an assignment based on a set of criteria. Authors can choose to include items with specific labels, define a score for each item or the number of questions an item should contain. Authors can either choose to do this when they create a new assignment or when they are adding items to an already existing assignment.

For more detailed information read through the article Creating an Interactive Online Test (FLOWmulti Assignment), especially the section Creating a New Assignment and Adding Items and the information on creating a new assignment with automatically suggested items.

Improved Assignment Creation

When creating new assignments, authors will now have the ability to choose between the following three options:

  • Create a new assignment from scratch without any items.
  • Create a new assignment and manually select existing items from the content bank.
  • Create a new assignment and add items from the content bank based on certain criteria (see above).

It will also be possible to add labels when a new assignment is created in addition to adding labels on existing assignments.

We have detailed the new way of creating assignments in the article Creating an Interactive Online Test (FLOWmulti Assignment) in the section Creating a New Assignment and Adding Items.

Minor Improvement

  • The ability to change the question type while working on a question has been removed.
  • The formula editor is now enabled as a default text formatting option on chemistry essay and maths essay question types. If participants should not have the formula editor available, authors must de-select this under the text formatting options during authoring.

    To see an overview of all the text formatting options that are available for essay, math essay and chemistry essay question, refer to the information under 2. Question Editor in the article Using the Question Editor for FLOWmulti Assignments.




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Group Information on Remarking Flows

When creating a remarking flow, information identifying a participant within a group (if applicable) is now carried across from the source flow as a reference to the original group.

When a manager assigns participants to a remarking flow, the group reference is displayed:


as well as on the work distribution page for allocating assessors:


and within the participant list on the flow page:


The assessor(s) will also see the group reference within the remarking overview:


So, too, will the reviewer:


Minor Improvements

  • A new column has been added to the Export Grades table for managers which details when the flow has been setup with Permission to hand in late. This new column displays how late the participant submitted (after original deadline) in days, hours, minutes and seconds. This can be used to identify late submissions more easily.

    The article Viewing and Exporting Grades has been updated to reflect this change.

  • If group work has been enabled on a flow, the column displaying the group number for participants will be displayed in all tabs in the participant list overview (i.e. Basic Information, Participant details and Final Grade).
  • The term field in the Basic settings of a flow has been changed to a free text field. The field is blank when new flows are created and managers can include individual term descriptions (max. 255 characters).   


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New Marking Tool (Beta Version)

This release will bring the new marking tool to all WISEflow licences in a beta version. All customers will be able to view what we have been working on recently and explore the interface of the new marking tool. As the new marking tool is still a work in progress, we recommend setting up test flows to explore the functionality that it currently offers. During this initial beta version phase, you can use the new marking tool with the FLOWassign, FLOWhandin or FLOWlock flow types.

While the current marking tool only supports the display of pdf files, the new marking tool will make it possible to view and annotate multiple file formats like jpg, png, ppt, among others. Comments, annotations and rubrics that have been shared by assessors with participants can also be viewed in a new participant feedback overview.

Please note that during this initial beta version phase, rubric-based marking and grade justifications are not supported.

The current marking tool will still be the default tool for assessors and managers will have to manually enable the use of the new marking tool in the Marking and review settings for a flow. Once enabled at the flow level, the new marking tool will be the chosen method for all assigned assessors on the flow.

As work made in the new marking tool cannot be carried over to the current marking tool and vice versa, we advise to not change the setting when the (individual) marking period has started on a flow.


A blue label called New Marker Journey (Beta) will indicate to assessors if a manager has enabled the new marker journey for a particular flow.


The layout of the flow overview page will not have changed but the marking tool will be displayed if an assessor opens the marking tool (1) or opens the submission of a specific participant (2).


Within the new marking tool, the flow level navigation (list of participants and comments given to participants that an assessor has been allocated to) can be found on the left hand side (1). The top of the page holds information concerning the participant's individual submission as well as functionalities such as the submission overview, feedback made for the submission or rubrics, if any are attached to the flow (2). The centre displays the participant's submission and, if enabled, submission feedback, content or a rubric.


The video will show you the layout and key features that currently exist in the tool as well as display how feedback is shared with participants. 


participant.png Participation

Improvements to Participant Overview

Participants will have the ability to filter the view of their flow overview page to only display ‘relevant flows’, i.e. flows that are scheduled to start on that day or flows that are already available for participation. In addition, participants can sort their flow overview page by the following parameters:

  • Flow status
  • Flow title
  • Start date for participation
  • End date for participation

The changes are also reflected in the section Overview in the article General Knowledge and Tips for Using WISEflow.

Minor Improvement

The default font size of paragraph text elements in the FLOWlock text editor has been increased to 12pt.


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Article on Log Entries in Participation Monitor

We have created a list of the most common log entries that can occur in the participation monitor with an accompanying explanation. This should help managers and invigilators interpret logged actions within the participation monitor.

WISEflow Glossary

A glossary of the most commonly used terms in WISEflow is available in English and Danish. We hope this will support our Danish customers, particularly when searching for guidance within the Service Centre. Additional languages will be added shortly.

New API Endpoints

API endpoints are continuously released to the production system, independent of the general release cycle for features and functionalities.

Icons indicate whether these endpoints have already been released to the production system (Released.png) or will be released soon (To_be_released.png).

In the future, you will be able to subscribe to the page to be informed on any new API endpoints that are released.

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