There are a lot of data residing on a WISEflow licence, this can be data from created assignments, biometric data, audit trails or general log data.
Data can be extracted in cases where an institution is obliged by law to keep data locally or store data for more extended periods of time.
Data can also be extracted for different use cases, such as analysis of behaviours and statistics.
Most data from the API can be extracted using either a flowId, for data that is in relation to a flow, or a userId for data that is in relation to a user.
Below are examples of how licence data can be extracted from WISEflow:
Facial recognition images and voice detection recordings are stored in WISEflow for 180 days, after which the data is no longer accessible.
Extracting Facial Recognition Data:
Extract reference images:
Reference images can be extracted for all users on the licence with the GET /licence/users/facial-recognition/reference-images endpoint using the offset (optional) and the maximum number of images returned as parameters.
Images are returned with a link to the image file alongside other information used to identify the user, the reference image creation date, and the bounding box.
Reference images can also be extracted per user from the GET /users/{userId}/facial-recognition/reference-image endpoint using the userId as the parameter.
Furthermore, it is possible to delete the reference image for a single user using the userId as a parameter in DELETE /users/{userId}/facial-recognition/reference-image.
Extract facial recognition matches:
Images recorded sessions can be extracted per user from the GET /users/{useId}/facial-recognition/matches. To filter the matches, it is possible to set an offset and a limit as parameters. The response body has a link to the image alongside information on the user, the flow, the similarity, and confidence of the image data.
If needed, it is also possible to delete all matches on a user using DELETE /users/{userId}/facial-recognition/matches. A single match can also be deleted using DELETE /users/{userId}/facial-recognition/matches/{imageId}.
Extracting Voice Detection Data:
Extracting voice detection data from a flow:
With the GET /flows/{flowId}/voice-detection/recordings, detected data can be extracted per flow. The response contains the audio Id, the flow- and the user Id used to identify the correct user. A link to download the audio file and registered sentences are also available. If required, the offset and limit can be set as parameters.
Detected audio can also be extracted per user using GET /users/{userId}/voice-detection/recordings. The response contains the audio Id, the flow- and the user Id used to identify the correct user. A link to download the audio file and registered sentences are also available. If needed, the offset and limit can be set as parameters.
It is possible to delete all detected audio on a user using DELETE /users/{userId}/voice-detection/recordings. A single recording can also be deleted using DELETE /users/{userId}/voice-detection/recordings/{recordingId}.
Assignments created in the author tool can be extracted when in relation to a flow. See this article for more information.
Rubrics are extracted with the GET /flows/{flowId}/rubrics endpoint when a rubric is in relation to a flow. The response data contains the raw rubric data, Ids, references and the rubric allocation.
Rubrics data for participants can be extracted using GET /flows/{flowID/participants/{participantId}/rubrics.
The rubrics data and the participant rubrics data can be correlated.
Data from the audit trail are extracted from WISEflow using the GET /flows/{flowId}/participants/{participantId}/marking-audit-trail endpoint using the flowId and the participantId as mandatory parameters. It is also possible to set an offset and a limit on the data returned.
The events returned in the response data are the actions made by assessors, reviewers, and managers during the marking process. See this use case for more information.
The GET /license/logs endpoint is a complete log of all actions recorded on a license for the past 90 days. To filter the results, it is possible to input an offset and a limit as parameters.
The log data is useful for analysis purposes such as investigating behaviours or suspicious behaviour. The log data is subject to small adjustments as WISEflow, its features and terminology evolve over time.